Truck Accident Lawyer Long Branch, NJ

Truck Accident lawyer Long Branch, NJ

Securing Fair Compensation With Our Long Branch, NJ Truck Accident Lawyer

Long Branch’s proximity to several major shipping hubs means that semi-trucks and other commercial vehicles heavily populate the highways and streets around our community. A commercial semi-truck weighs about 80,000 pounds with a full load, which is more than 10 times the weight of even the largest passenger SUV. Victims in semi-truck accidents often suffer devastating, sometimes fatal, injuries, while the trucker usually walks away with just a few scratches. Many of these collisions could have been avoided had a trucker taken better care of the safety of others on the road. If you or someone you love was hurt in a crash, you may have grounds to file a claim against the at-fault trucker and possibly their trucking company, too. Our Long Branch, NJ truck accident lawyer is prepared to help you assert your rights and demand justice.

Rispoli & Borneo P.C. attorneys have extensive experience handling tough truck accident claims. We build strong cases based on federal regulations governing the trucking industry, the fine points of New Jersey personal injury law, and solid evidence. Please call us today for a free consultation about your claim.

Our Attorneys Tackle The Complex Aspects Of Truck Accident Claims

Semi-truck accidents have unique complications that other types of traffic crashes don’t. First, the victims’ injuries are usually severe, sometimes resulting in permanent disability. Your medical bills may be creeping toward six figures, especially if you need surgery, extensive rehabilitative therapy to regain your abilities, or required care in a nursing home as you recovered. Your settlement should cover all necessary medical treatment, rehabilitative care, prescription medications, and even transportation to your doctor’s appointments. Insurance companies take a hard look at high-dollar settlements and have multiple strategies to try to minimize the value of your claim or deny it outright, blaming you for the wreck.

With decades of combined experience litigating truck accident claims and a track record of successful settlements and jury awards, we understand the tricks insurance companies like to pull and have arguments ready to deploy to counter them. Our team gathers evidence to prove that the truck driver was negligent. We include information from the truck’s event data recorder, which records its movements, speed, and direction, the driver’s cell phone records to determine whether they were texting and driving, and, if it’s available, a toxicology report to see if the driver was under the influence of alcohol or illicit drugs.

Our initial case is built against the negligent trucker, but in some situations, we may also file an additional suit for vicarious negligence against the trucking company. Most car accident claims don’t usually necessitate filing multiple lawsuits, but there are several situations in which the trucking company can be held liable, too. Not every trucking company has the resources to build multiple cases for one accident. We do, and our resources include medical experts to attest to how your injuries happened and financial experts who can help us properly value your damages. We don’t want to leave a penny on the table. You are in good hands with Rispoli & Borneo P.C. Call us today for a free consultation with our Long Branch truck accident lawyer.