Can I Make a Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Workers’ Compensation Claim?
Answers from a Workers Comp Lawyer Northern New Jersey Trusts
When you have been injured while working, or have otherwise developed a work-related illness, it may be in your best interest to speak with a workers’ comp lawyer in Northern New Jersey. At Rispoli & Borneo, P.C., we have been helping injured and ill workers recover benefits in full, or to their maximum ability. If you believe you have the right to receive workers’ comp benefits, call Rispoli & Borneo, P.C., to learn more about the process and what you might expect.
Table Of Contents
- Questions To Ask Prospective Workers’ Compensation Attorneys
- FAQ About Carpel Tunnel Worker’s Comp Claims
- The Five Most Common Workplace Injuries
- Workers Compensation Infographic
- Answers From A Workers Comp Lawyer Northern New Jersey Trusts
- A Workers Comp Lawyer Northern New Jersey Trusts Explains Work Injuries Cause By Third Parties
Do You Qualify for Workers’ Compensation?
Typically, the answer is ‘yes’, you will be able to recover workers’ comp benefits. As a workers’ comp lawyer in Northern New Jersey might explain to you, there are a few occasions in which you will not be eligible. For example, if you fit into one of the following, workers’ comp may not be an option:
- You are an independent contractor
- You are a volunteer
- You work on a farm that does not employ more than 6 people
- You work for the railroad
- You work for the maritime industry
- You are a federal worker
In the event of one of the above being applicable, there may be separate programs for you, as is in the last three on the list. Otherwise, as a workers’ comp lawyer in Northern New Jersey might tell you, it is possible that other programs may exist as a means to help you recover your losses. Finally, if a party unrelated to your employer, or any employees, caused you to be injured, a personal injury claim might be pursued. Due to the possibility of having multiple options available, it is in your best interest to find out what an experienced workers’ comp lawyer in Northern New Jersey has to say.
Statute of Limitations
Waiting to see what happens is not a good idea. There are very strict deadlines to filing a workers’ compensation. For example, you will likely have between 3 and 30 days to notify your employer of the accident. The average time is 10 days. Failure to do so could result in complications or the inability to recover benefits. Furthermore, you will need to get medical attention as soon as possible. If you wait, there is a greater chance that the insurance company, or even your employer, will dispute what you are saying. This will only result in delays and complications. By calling a workers’ comp lawyer in Northern New Jersey right away, you can ensure deadlines are met; thereby, increasing the likelihood of recovering maximum damages.
Workers’ Comp Benefits
Workers’ compensation is available to help you prevent undue hardship, and to protect your employer against a claim or lawsuit. If you do qualify for the benefits, you may be entitled to:
- Approximately 70% – 80% of your wages or salary
- Disability
- Paid medical care
- Paid future medical care for anything related to the injury
- Travel reimbursement
As a workers’ comp lawyer Northern New Jersey has to offer might tell you, non-economic damages are unavailable through the program. Only when negligence is a contributing factor will they be considered.
Up to half of workers’ comp claims are denied. By having the right workers’ comp lawyer in Northern New Jersey on your side, you can reduce this from happening. Call Rispoli & Borneo, P.C., now.
Questions To Ask Prospective Workers’ Compensation Attorneys
When Do I Need To File My Claim
Each state has a different workers’ compensation claims process. Therefore, the deadlines to file your claim vary from state to state. If you are working with an attorney before you file your claim, you need to ask what the claims deadline is. In many cases, you have 30 days to file, so you and your workers comp lawyer in Northern New Jersey may need to work quickly. An experienced firm, e.g., Rispoli & Borneo, P.C., understands your state’s requirements.
What Is Your Analysis of My Case?
During your free consultation, you should ask each prospective workers comp lawyer in Northern New Jersey to evaluate your case. These professionals should be able to give you a general idea of what your case is worth and what benefits you are entitled to. Although they cannot guarantee a result, they should be able to give you a general estimate of your possible settlement or judgment. In addition, they should discuss the medical treatments and other rehabilitation services you should qualify for.
These attorneys can also share their opinions on your case’s outcome. They may suggest that additional documentation be submitted, including medical records, doctor’s requests or referrals, witness statements, etc. Their goal should be to strengthen your case and improve your chances of success.
How Long Will My Case Take?
Any reputable law firm, e.g., Rispoli & Borneo, P.C., can tell you that legal battles take time. At times, there is no way to tell how long you will have to wait for a resolution and the receipt of your settlement or judgment. However, experienced lawyers can give you a ballpark estimate or timeline. Although they cannot guarantee the resolution of your case by a specific date, they can estimate how long it will take based on your case details. However, the more information you can give your attorney about your case and injury, the better they may be at estimating when you will receive your money.
What Do I Do About Work?
When you are injured, it is difficult to know when to return to work and what to expect when you return. If you go back and you are demoted, moved to another role, experience a wage cut, asked to perform duties that are outside your doctor’s recommendations or face any other form of retaliation, you need to contact your attorney immediately.
In addition, your attorney should be in contact with your physician, and both of these professionals should be able to tell you when you are cleared to return to work and what accommodations your employer may need to make upon your return.
FAQ About Carpel Tunnel Worker’s Comp Claims
Can My Employer Refuse To File My Claim With Workers Comp?
It’s vital to report to your employer as soon as you realize you have an injury. With carpel tunnel, this can be difficult because you may not recognize the damage happening over time. However, you must file paperwork with your supervisor when you notice pain. Once you file a report with them, they must notify their workers’ compensation insurance by law. If your employer doesn’t want to do this or believes your injury didn’t occur at work, reach out to a workers comp lawyer in Northern New Jersey, such as Rispoli & Borneo, P.C. They may be able to work with your employer to encourage them to initiate the claim.
What Happens If Workers Comp Denies My Claim?
There are many reasons why workers compensation might deny a claim. If any of the following reasons accompany your denial, reach out to a local worker comp lawyer in Northern New Jersey.
- You didn’t receive treatment from a doctor who’s contracted with the workers compensation insurance.
- Proper medical documentation proving your injury didn’t get filed with your claim.
- You missed the deadline to file.
- Your work duties didn’t cause the injury because it occurred outside of work.
- You were intoxicated when the injury happened.
Carpal tunnel cases may be especially prone to denial because the injury doesn’t occur at just one time. The damage takes years of repetitive motion that may result from other activities outside of work or be numerous employers’ responsibilities. A workers comp lawyer in Northern New Jersey may be able to help you put together an appeal if your carpal tunnel case gets denied.
Should I Accept a Settlement From Workers Comp?
Once the workers compensation company approves your claim, they may offer you a settlement. This payout should cover your medical expenses, compensate you for missed time at work and cover any future lost wages. The insurance company may offer a lump sum or multiple payments over time. If you receive an offer, it’s a good idea to speak with an attorney from Rispoli & Borneo, P.C. before accepting. While you may be anxious to receive the money, an attorney can review your case and ensure you get everything you’re entitled to. If you believe you should receive more, you should not accept the settlement and proceed with assistance from a workers comp lawyer in Northern New Jersey.
FAQ About Carpel Tunnel Worker’s Comp Claims
Can My Employer Refuse To File My Claim With Workers Comp?
It’s vital to report to your employer as soon as you realize you have an injury. With carpel tunnel, this can be difficult because you may not recognize the damage happening over time. However, you must file paperwork with your supervisor when you notice pain. Once you file a report with them, they must notify their workers’ compensation insurance by law. If your employer doesn’t want to do this or believes your injury didn’t occur at work, reach out to a workers comp lawyer in Northern New Jersey, such as Rispoli & Borneo, P.C. They may be able to work with your employer to encourage them to initiate the claim.
What Happens If Workers Comp Denies My Claim?
There are many reasons why workers compensation might deny a claim. If any of the following reasons accompany your denial, reach out to a local worker comp lawyer in Northern New Jersey.
- You didn’t receive treatment from a doctor who’s contracted with the workers compensation insurance.
- Proper medical documentation proving your injury didn’t get filed with your claim.
- You missed the deadline to file.
- Your work duties didn’t cause the injury because it occurred outside of work.
- You were intoxicated when the injury happened.
Carpal tunnel cases may be especially prone to denial because the injury doesn’t occur at just one time. The damage takes years of repetitive motion that may result from other activities outside of work or be numerous employers’ responsibilities. A workers comp lawyer in Northern New Jersey may be able to help you put together an appeal if your carpal tunnel case gets denied.
Should I Accept a Settlement From Workers Comp?
Once the workers compensation company approves your claim, they may offer you a settlement. This payout should cover your medical expenses, compensate you for missed time at work and cover any future lost wages. The insurance company may offer a lump sum or multiple payments over time. If you receive an offer, it’s a good idea to speak with an attorney from Rispoli & Borneo, P.C. before accepting. While you may be anxious to receive the money, an attorney can review your case and ensure you get everything you’re entitled to. If you believe you should receive more, you should not accept the settlement and proceed with assistance from a workers comp lawyer in Northern New Jersey.
The Five Most Common Workplace Injuries
Any job-related injury or illness can be the subject of a workers’ comp claim. A workers comp lawyer in Northern New Jersey can help you determine if you have a case against your employer. Here are five of the most common injuries that result in successful workers’ comp cases.
1. Sprains and strains
Sprains and strains can occur when you slip and fall, move too quickly or lift something too heavy. According to the Mayo Clinic, sprains are injuries to the tissue that connects two bones, and strains are injuries to muscles or tissue that connects muscles to bones. An experienced workers comp lawyer in Northern New Jersey such as Rispoli & Borneo, P.C. can help you determine whether your sprain or strain warrants filling a workers’ comp claim.
2. Fractures
Any time you break a bone, whether it’s a minor fracture to a serious compound fracture, you should seek immediate medical attention. Notify your employer, as they may have a specific physician for you to see for a workers’ comp injury. Fractures may be treated with anything from an ace bandage to casting or even surgery. No matter how minor, every fracture can be grounds for a workers’ comp claim.
3. Lacerations
Lacerations may be the most common on-the-job injury, ranging from minor paper cuts to a deep wound that requires stitches. If the cut is severe enough, you will need medical attention to take proper care of it. A workers comp lawyer can help you decide whether a laceration is severe enough to warrant pursuing a workers’ comp claim.
4. Eye Injuries
Eye injuries can be terribly frightening; according to Health Day, it’s the third most common health-related fear, after cancer and heart disease. Any injury to your eye, no matter how minor, should be taken seriously. A workers comp lawyer in Northern New Jersey such as Rispoli & Borneo, P.C. can walk you through this traumatic injury and its related workers’ comp case.
5. Burns
Burns are another common workplace injury. From fast food employees to welders, construction workers to firefighters, burns may occur in any degree of severity. First degree burns are more easily treated, but second, third, and fourth degree burns are far more serious and may require extensive medical treatment. Make sure you consult a workers comp lawyer for advice if you sustain any burn that requires medical treatment.
If you have a workplace-related injury, you should consult a workers comp lawyer in Northern New Jersey before you sign any documents related to your workers’ comp claim. Don’t try to handle workers’ comp on your own; it can quickly turn into a colossal mess. Rispoli & Borneo, P.C. are ready to take your call.
Workers Compensation Infographic
Northern New Jersey Workers Comp Statistics
According to Rheumatology Research Foundation, carpal tunnel impacts 4 to 10 million Americans. The average age of a person living with CTS is between 40 and 50 years old. Women are three times more likely to develop carpal tunnel syndrome than men. This is likely because their wrists tend to be smaller.
If you have developed CTS because of your job duty requirements, contact our office to speak with one of our lawyers to ensure that you receive all the benefits you are entitled to under New Jersey’s workers’ compensation program.
Answers from a Workers Comp Lawyer Northern New Jersey Trusts
Can I Make a Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Workers’ Compensation Claim?
If you have a job that you spend a majority of the time typing on the computer or standing on an assembly line to install parts in a car, and you start to feel tingling or numbness in your fingers or hands, you could be experiencing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome typically affects five percent of adults in the United States. It may sound like a small percentage, however, that adds up to over 15 million people who could be affected with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. If you suffer with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome due to your job, you may want to contact the professionals at Rispoli & Borneo, P.C. Our team has over many years of experience in handling workers’ compensation claims. We will help you work through this process to try and provide you with the proper compensation for your pain and suffering.
What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is when the median nerve, the nerve the runs from the forearm to the palm, is squeezed or pressed at the wrist. The median nerve controls all the movement in your thumb and first three fingers. The squeezing or pressing on the nerve makes the canal tighter which irritates the nerve. It usually is very painful and it gets worse with time.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome has a variety of causes as a workers comp lawyer in Northern New Jerseyknows all too well. It is most commonly caused by trauma or repetitive motion. Repetitive motion is when your hand or wrist is performing the same motions over and over again. There are many activities and jobs that involve repetitive wrist or hand motions. These include:
- Playing a musical instrument
- Working on an assembly line
- Data entry or typing
- Sewing
- Mechanic work
- Painting
- Locksmith
- Cashier
- Agricultural work
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is also linked to trauma or a wrist injury. For instance, a car accident or a work-related accident that caused broken bones or fractured bones could lead to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome symptoms as a skilled Northern New Jersey workers comp lawyer can attest. It is not uncommon for wrist strains or sprains to lead to same results.
Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
While Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a common ailment, the symptoms tend to differ from each person suffering from it, as well as the type of activity each person is performing. The most common types of symptoms include:
- Burning, tingling, or numbness in first three fingers or thumb
- Pain in hand that leads up to shoulder or arm
- Loss of dexterity in hand
- Increased frequency of dropping objects
- Inability to pinch or grasp
- Weakness of grip
Schedule a Consultation
You may have a legal claim if you have been diagnosed with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. If you have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome due to repetitive activities from your job or a workplace accident, you may want to contact a workers comp lawyer from Rispoli & Borneo, P.C. Our team of professionals will help determine your grounds for pursuing a workers’ compensation claim. You may be able to receive compensation for your lost wages, medical expenses, and any compensation from your injury resulting in disability. It is important to have someone on your side when filing a workers’ compensation claim for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Contact a skilled Workers Comp Lawyer Northern New Jersey trusts from Rispoli & Borneo, P.C. today to schedule a consultation.
A Workers Comp Lawyer Northern New Jersey Trusts Explains Work Injuries Cause by Third Parties
A workers comp lawyer knows that there are situations when a worker is injured that were actually caused by third-party negligence. For example, if a delivery driver is injured when their vehicle is smashed into because another driver ran a red light, this would be a third party work injury. In these situations, the injured driver could be eligible for both workers’ compensation benefits and additional compensation in a personal injury claim against the driver who ran the red light.
At Rispoli & Borneo P.C., we have extensive experience in third party work injury claim. We understand the legal complexities that are often involved in dealing with two different types of actions simultaneously and how important it is to be well versed in both areas of law. Contact us today to find out how we can help with your injury claims.
Third Party Claims
When a Northern New Jersey worker is injured in an accident caused by a third party, both claims should be treated separately. For example, in the scenario described above, the delivery driver would notify his or her employer of the injury and then file a workers’ compensation claim. Once the claim is accepted, that worker would have all of his or her medical expense covered and begin receiving a percentage of their wage each week.
The workers’ compensation claim would go through the same process as any other claim. The extent of the driver’s injury would determine how long they were out of work recovering, when they could return to work, and whether there are restrictions on that return.
In the meantime, your Northern New Jersey workers comp lawyer could also file a personal injury claim against the driver who caused the accident. Under a personal injury claim, a victim can pursue damages for the following:
· All past, present, and future medical expenses
· Loss of income and loss of any benefits
· Pain and suffering
· Emotional anguish
· Scarring or disfigurement
There are other losses a victim can pursue in a personal injury claim. Your workers comp lawyer can explain which of these losses apply in your case. In addition, there are cases where a victim can also receive punitive damages. This is often true in accidents where the at-fault party has broken the law, such as running a red light.
Personal Injury Awards
If you are successful in your injury claim, the workers’ compensation insurance company is entitled to receive the benefits they paid out for you for medical expenses and to you in wages if you are also awarded those same benefits in your personal injury claim. You are allowed to keep all other damages awarded to you.
Rispoli & Borneo P.C., Northern New Jersey Workers Comp Lawyer
23 Emmons Street, Suite 203, Long Branch, NJ 07740
Let a Northern New Jersey Workers Comp Lawyer Help
If you have had the unfortunate experience of being in a car accident or other accident caused by a third-party while on your employer’s clock, contact Rispoli & Borneo P.C. today. We can help you obtain whatever benefits you may be entitled to under the law.
Call a workers comp lawyer Northern New Jersey clients recommend today to set up a free case evaluation.