Drunk Driving Lawyer Red Bank NJ

Drunk Driving Lawyer Red Bank NJ

Drunk Driving Lawyer Red Bank NJ

Have you recently been arrested for a DUI? If so, drunk driving lawyers in Red Bank, from Rispoli & Borneo, PC,  would like to help you understand your rights and options. For an immediate consultation, call Rispoli & Borneo, PC, now. 

DUI Charges Are Serious

In the event of you being found guilty of a DUI, and you are convicted, the penalties can be considerably stiff. You may find that even three or five years later, the consequences still linger. If you do not take the right action now, you may regret your decision in the future. You are not obligated to commit to hiring a drunk driving lawyer in Red Bank when you consult with one; however, by doing so, you can educate yourself about your options and how to protect your interests. 

What You Should Do After a DUI Arrest

Once you have been arrested for a DUI, you might find that the ensuing process to go quite rapidly. It is important you know that once you have been placed under arrest, you have the right to remain silent. As a good drunk driving lawyer in Red Bank, we would recommend that you utilize this right. Don’t say anything until you have called Rispoli & Borneo, PC. Yes, police will likely ask you to give a statement. They might pressure you into saying various things that you don’t feel comfortable in saying, and you could even be asked to attend an arraignment where a judge will ask you to plead guilty or not guilty. The sooner you call a Red Bank, NJ drunk driving lawyer, the better. 

When you agree to be our client, we can be your voice and your legal advocate. You don’t have to say anything, unless explicitly  required. Rest assured, this can take a lot of weight off your shoulders and give you confidence in your ability to protect your rights, your interests, and your future. Even if you have plead guilty, or you incriminate yourself, you can call a Red Bank drunk driving lawyer. 

How Rispoli & Borneo, PC, Can Help You

Your lawyer will likely first review what happened to determine if there were rights violations or mistakes made on the part of the police or prosecutor. If this should be true, your lawyer might press to have your charges reduced or dropped. 

Shortly after your arrest, you may be asked to attend an arraignment. At this time, you may be formally read your charges and be given the option to plead guilty or not guilty. Many people will not have a lawyer present; however, you can choose to have one at your side, and you should. Bear in mind, if you opt for public counsel, he or she will almost certainly not be at your arraignment. Your lawyer can also help you to  understand the possible outcome of your case and advise you on whether or not you should plead guilty. 

Analyzing Your Field Sobriety Tests

If you have been charged with drunk driving in Red Bank, NJ, you need an experienced and aggressive Red Bank drunk driving lawyer to represent you.  The lawyers at Rispoli & Borneo, PC have the legal expertise, court room experience and aggressive style to defend you during every step of the process. Drunk driving and refusal matters always include an analysis of the “Stop”, the “Field Sobriety Tests”, and the “Breath Test.”

  1. The “Stop”: A police officer must have a valid reason to stop a vehicle.  An improper or unconstitutional stop can be challenged and may result in the dismissal of all tickets.
  2. The “Field Sobriety Tests”: The field sobriety tests administered by police officers in New Jersey are designed to determine if a driver is impaired.  The results of these tests are used to justify a “breath test” or prove a driver is driving while under the influence of alcohol. Often these tests are critical to the State’s case.  These tests can and should be challenged, as they are unreliable if the officer does not administer them properly.
  3. The “Breath Test”:  Police Departments throughout New Jersey use the Alcotest to determine if a driver is intoxicated.  Maintenance of the Alcotest, certification of the officer administering the test, and the pre-test observations of the driver are critical to the accuracy of the Alcotest results.

Penalties for a DUI

As a drunk driving lawyer in Red Bank might explain to you, the penalties for a DUI can vary, and will largely depend on the factors of your case. For example, if the following apply, you may receive harsher penalties:

  • This is not your first DUI
  • You have a criminal record
  • You are on probation
  • You are on parole
  • You had a child in the car
  • You were involved in an accident at the time of your arrest
  • You were disorderly during your arrest

At Rispoli & Borneo, PC, we will do our best to seek the least amount of consequences for your DUI charges; however, to do that, we generally need some time to build a strong strategy. Please don’t delay in calling the right drunk driving lawyers in Red Bank today. 

The Importance of Considering Penalties

Drunk driving matters that involve driving in a “school zone” or an accident with injuries involve more serious penalties in Red Bank, NJ. Rispoli & Borneo PC’s Red Bank NJ drunk driving lawyers are well versed in these enhanced penalties. Understanding all of the potential penalties is critical to making a well informed decision on whether to proceed to trial or negotiate a plea. Not every drunk driving or refusal case should proceed to trial.  These trials are expensive and time consuming. The lawyers at Rispoli & Borneo, PC appreciate the expense of hiring a lawyer. To manage this expense, we meet with clients to discuss the cost of proceeding to trial versus the cost of negotiating a plea. Often we will advise clients to negotiate the best plea possible and use the available funds to pay fines and penalties rather than unnecessary or unwarranted legal fees.

If you were recently arrested for and charged with driving under the influence (DUI), you may want to contact a Drunk Driving Lawyer Red Bank NJdrunk driving lawyer Red Bank NJ residents trust. The associated penalties for a DUI can be serious. Fighting your charges requires familiarity with all of the potential defenses that can be used, as well as a lawyer’s guidance through those defenses. With the right representation using the best possible defense, you may be a step closer to dropped or reduced charges, or even an acquittal if your case goes to trial.

At Rispoli & Borneo, we are well acquainted with the needs of people who are facing DUI charges. Such charges can change your life, especially if you receive a conviction at trial. Working with a drunk driving lawyer in Red Bank NJ from Rispoli & Borneo, where we have over 20 years of combined experience in criminal defense cases, can be an enormous weight off of you and a major step toward reversing your situation.

Defenses Your Drunk Driving Lawyer Red Bank NJ Families Recommend May Use

The defenses a skilled and experienced drunk driving lawyer Red Bank NJ clients go to uses depend mainly on what the prosecution will attempt to prove. In your DUI case, you can expect that the prosecutors seek to prove that you:
(1) Were driving a vehicle; and
(2) Were doing so “under the influence” ( i.e., with an illegal amount of alcohol or drugs in your body).

Because the prosecution must prove both of these elements in order to convict you, an attorney’s defense will generally be crafted in order to disprove one of the two. Our attorneys are familiar with the ways prosecutors attempt to prove guilt and will typically use the following kinds of defenses in DUI cases:

Driving-related Defenses

Depending upon the state in which you live, it may be that you cannot actually be convicted of DUI if you were not driving a vehicle. That said, in many states, proof that you were in the midst of the act of driving is not necessary for a DUI conviction. Showing that you were in physical control of a vehicle while intoxicated, even while it was parked, can be enough in that situation. However, even in this case, if you were not the only individual in the vehicle, it could be possible to form a defense arguing that someone other than you was in control of the vehicle.

Arrest Procedure-Related Defenses

A situation wherein the police used improper arrest procedures is one that can certainly strengthen your defense. Our attorneys often are able to build a strong defense based on the argument that, because the police failed to follow the law during your arrest, there is some evidence that should be thrown out. Some of the common arguments in this vein could include a lack of probable cause for stopping you or an officer’s failure to read you your Miranda rights.

Can I Get My DUI Charges Dismissed?

If you have been charged with a DUI, you may have many questions about what you can expect with your case. To ensure you get the best possible information, you should call a DUI lawyer. An experienced lawyer from [law firm] can listen to the circumstances of your case to help you understand your legal options. 

Is it Possible to Get DUI Charges Dismissed?

Naturally you might consider the possibility of having your case dismissed. If this is something you are interested in, you should have a good DUI lawyer on your side. There are various ways in which it may be possible to have a DUI charge dismissed. Usually this will need to involve at least one of the following:

Unlawful Stop

In most states, police cannot legally stop a vehicle without a valid reason. In court, they must be able to show that they witnessed behavior that was considered to be a violation of traffic laws, other laws, or some type of illegal act. 

It should be noted that officers are well apt to providing some sort of “reasonable” suspicion to support a stop. They might also claim they received an anonymous report or tip off of a drunk driver. 

If you believe you were unlawfully stopped, you should speak with a DUI lawyer as soon as possible. 

Errors During Field Sobriety Testing

If police suspect you are driving while intoxicated, you will likely be asked to take a field sobriety test. Some tests, such as counting backwards or touching your finger to the tip of your nose, is not accepted by medical science or the NHTSA.

The walk and turn test or horizontal nystagmus test are valid field sobriety tests; however, they must be performed and administered correctly. Even then, it is suggested that tests like these are only 65% accurate. Furthermore, these are not suited to people who are overweight, have certain injuries or medical conditions, or are over 65 years of age. As a DUI lawyer might explain to you, uneven roadways, weather conditions, or language indifferences could also impact the tests. 

Inaccurate Readings of a Breathalyzer

To be charged with a DUI, you should have a BAC reading of 0.8 or higher. It is possible for the breathalyzer machine to read accurately, or for the procedure to be performed wrong. Errors that could be made during the breath test may include:

  • Inaccurate reading because of a medical condition (i.e. acid reflux)
  • The administrator of the test was poorly trained
  • The machine was not properly calibrated
  • The machine malfunctioned

If blood tests were taken, it is possible that they were not administered correctly or rules were not followed regarding the testing, analysis, and preservation of the sample. Individuals who have an injury or medical condition might also give inaccurate BAC readings.

Apart from the above possible errors, and defenses, in many states (i.e. Washington) police are required to monitor the suspect for a period of time before administering a breath test. Actions, such as vomiting, during this time could affect the reading. If this observation period applies, and was not strictly observed, the results may not be accepted.

Common Mistakes to Avoid After Getting Charged With a DUI

Getting arrested for driving while drunk is a stressful ordeal and can cause you to feel a wide range of emotions. However, you shouldn’t allow your emotions to cloud your judgment. Here are some common mistakes you shouldn’t make after getting charged with a DUI.

  • Talking to the Police: After you get arrested for a DUI, the police will likely ask to speak to you about your case. However, even if you’re innocent of the charge, you shouldn’t give the police any information. The police might seem like they want to help you, but they actually are looking for information to use against you and may twist your words. Politely tell them that you don’t want to talk to them with your drunk driving attorney in Red Bank, NJ pressent.
  • Refusing to Take a Breathalyzer: While you don’t have to talk to the police about your case, you’re required to take a breathalyzer. In the state of New Jersey, drivers have to submit an alcohol breath test when asked by a police officer. If you refuse to do so, you will face additional penalties, like fines and driver’s license suspension.
  • Not Trying to Regain Your Driving Privileges: Once you get charged with a DUI, your driver’s license will get automatically suspended. However, you can still request an Administrative Hearing to get your privileges reinstated. You should seriously consider going to this hearing because your life can become difficult without a driver’s license. You will have to rely on other people to give you rides to work and other important places, which can get tiring. If you attempt to drive on a suspended license, you could face more legal troubles.
  • Pleading Guilty: If you were charged with a DUI, don’t automatically assume that you have to plead guilty. Even if you failed your breathalyzer test, you don’t have to admit guilt. If you plead guilty too early, you will lose the right to fight the charges against you. Allow your drunk driving attorney in Red Bank, NJ enough time to negotiate a better deal with the prosecuting attorney.
  • Failing to Understand What’s at Stake: A DUI is a serious matter and should be treated as such. Even if this is the first time you’ve been in trouble with the law, you shouldn’t take your DUI charge lightly. Recognize that it can have serious consequences, such as fines, jail time, and a criminal record.
  • Not Hiring a Lawyer: A DUI charge comes with many consequences, so it’s important to have an experienced drunk driving attorney in Red Bank, NJ on your side. He or she will build you a strong defense and ensure your legal rights are protected.

Protecting Yourself Against A DUI

There are severe consequences for those who are convicted of driving under the influence (DUI). As Red Bank, NJ drunk driving lawyers, we at Rispoli & Borneo P.C, offer complimentary consultations and understand the importance of educating our community on how to protect themselves against DUI charges. Being proactive and informed is the key to staying safe and avoiding legal troubles.

Understanding DUI Laws

The first step in protecting yourself against a DUI is to understand the laws related to drunk driving. DUI laws are strict and vary from state to state, but the basic principle remains the same: operating a vehicle while impaired by alcohol or drugs is illegal. In New Jersey, the legal blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limit is 0.08% for drivers over 21. For those under 21, any detectable amount of alcohol can lead to charges.

Always Plan Ahead

One of the most effective ways to avoid a DUI is to plan your outings in advance. If you know you’ll be drinking, arrange for a designated driver, use a ride-sharing service, or take public transportation. Having a plan ensures that you won’t be tempted to drive after consuming alcohol. It’s a simple yet crucial step in protecting yourself and others on the road.

Know Your Limits

Understanding your body’s reaction to alcohol can help you make smarter decisions. Factors such as weight, age, gender, and metabolism all influence how alcohol affects you. It’s important to recognize your limits and avoid pushing them. Drinking slowly, having food while drinking, and alternating alcoholic beverages with water can help you stay within a safe range.

Field Sobriety Tests And Your Rights

It is critical to know your rights if you are stopped by law enforcement under the suspicion of a DUI. You may be asked to perform field sobriety tests, which can include walking in a straight line, standing on one leg, or following an object with your eyes. While you are required to comply with the officer’s instructions, you also have the right to remain silent and request an attorney. Knowing this can help you handle the situation calmly and protect your interests.

Breathalyzer Tests And Implied Consent

New Jersey has an implied consent law, meaning that by holding a driver’s license, you agree to submit to breathalyzer tests if lawfully arrested for a DUI. Refusing a breathalyzer test can result in automatic license suspension and other penalties. It’s important to comply with these tests while being aware of the legal implications. If you believe the test results are inaccurate, you can challenge them in court with the help of a Red Bank drunk driving lawyer.

The Consequences Of A DUI

The consequences of a DUI conviction can be life-changing. They include hefty fines, license suspension, mandatory alcohol education programs, and even jail time. A DUI on your record can also affect your employment prospects and insurance rates. Understanding these potential repercussions highlights the importance of taking every precaution to avoid such charges.

Legal Assistance Is Crucial

Despite all precautions, mistakes can happen. If you find yourself facing a DUI charge, seeking legal assistance immediately is crucial. A knowledgeable lawyer can help you manage the legal system, challenge evidence, and work towards the best possible outcome. Our team of lawyers are dedicated to providing the support and representation you need.

Take Action Today

Understanding the laws, planning ahead and knowing your limits are all crucial factors when protecting yourself against a DUI. Taking these steps can help you avoid the severe consequences associated with drunk driving. If you or a loved one is facing a DUI charge, don’t wait to seek professional legal assistance. Contact Rispoli & Borneo P.C. today to speak with a Red Bank drunk driving lawyer who can guide you through the process and protect your future, we have decades of experience.

Contact a Drunk Driving Lawyer Red Bank NJ Can Depend on Today

DUI charges can be challenging to fight, but with a capable Red Bank drunk driving lawyer in your corner, you can be one step closer to clearing yourself of them and getting your life back. The lawyers of Rispoli & Borneo are passionate about helping clients seek justice for themselves in DUI cases, and are ready to help you, too. For a free initial consultation with a drunk driving lawyer Red Bank NJ locals recommend from Rispoli & Borneo ready to serve you, call today at (908) 353-0800 or Contact Rispoli & Borneo, P.C. today.