The Best Way To Fight A Workers Compensation Claim
When you’re injured on the job, you deserve to be compensated for your injuries and losses. An experienced workers’ compensation attorney from Rispoli & Borneo P.C. can help you get the benefits you need to move forward with your life while protecting your rights and interests.
The first thing that you should do when faced with such a situation is to hire an attorney who specializes in workers compensation litigation.
A good workers’ compensation attorney from Rispoli & Borneo P.C. will be able to help you understand how best to proceed with your case and how much money your employer might owe you based upon the facts of your case. The attorney can also advise you on whether or not it would be worthwhile for you to file suit against your employer for fraud or abuse of process.
Do Your Research
When looking for a workers compensation attorney, it’s important to do some research first. Look at their website and read about their experience with workers’ compensation claims. Find out if they’ve handled similar cases before and if they have any testimonials from past clients. If possible, talk to former clients who have used their services before hiring them to represent you in court.
Rispoli & Borneo P.C. is a law firm dedicated to helping victims of work accidents obtain the necessary compensation they deserve. We understand how frustrating it can be when your employer denies your claim for workers’ compensation benefits after an injury at work or an illness caused by exposure to toxic chemicals or other hazardous materials in your workplace environment.
Ask Questions
Once you’ve narrowed down your list of potential lawyers based on their experience with workers compensation claims, ask them if they would be willing to meet with you over the phone or in person. This will give you a chance to talk with them about your case and see if they’re someone who will be able to help guide you through this process.
Rispoli & Borneo P.C. is a law firm dedicated to helping victims of work accidents obtain the necessary compensation they deserve. We understand how frustrating it can be when your employer denies your claim for workers’ compensation benefits after an injury at work or an illness caused by exposure to toxic chemicals or other hazardous materials in your workplace environment.
At Rispoli & Borneo P.C., we have helped countless individuals get the justice they deserve by fighting for their rights and protecting them against unfair treatment by employers who are unwilling or unable to provide adequate coverage for injuries suffered on the job.
Fighting Your Claim
If an employer thinks that you have filed a fraudulent claim, there are several actions that they can take against you. They can file a counterclaim against your employer’s insurance company if they believe that their company has been victimized by false claims; they may also file a civil lawsuit against you in order to recover damages from any fraudulent claims made by employees.
Workers compensation claims are challenging for the injured worker, their families, and the employer. The best way to fight a workers compensation claim is to hire a workers compensation attorney. Hiring an attorney ensures that your rights are protected and you receive all of the benefits you are entitled to under the law.