How to File a Workers Compensation Claim
If you are injured on the job, you may be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits. This is a state-mandated insurance program that was designed to help employees get medical care and lost wages when they are hurt on the job.
The process can be confusing, but with the help of a workers’ compensation attorney from Rispoli & Borneo P.C. you can get through it quickly and efficiently.
Accident Claims
In most states, an employee must file an accident claim within three years after an accident occurs. The amount awarded for accident injuries depends on where the accident occurred and who was at fault (if anyone). If it was not your fault, you’ll probably receive full benefits regardless of where the accident happened.
If you have been injured at work and believe that you may be entitled to workers’ comp benefits, it is important that you understand how to file a claim and what your rights are under the law. If you have been denied workers’ comp benefits by your employer or insurer, you may need an experienced workers’ compensation attorney from Rispoli & Borneo P.C. to help fight for your rights under the law.
Start With Your Employer
In order to file a workers comp claim, you must first notify your employer that you’ve been injured. In some states, this notification must be made within a specified amount of time or within 24 hours after the accident, whichever occurs later.
It is important that you report the accident in writing so that there is no confusion about what happened and when it occurred. Keep copies of everything you send or hand-deliver the information to your employer so that they can keep track of all correspondence related to your claim.
An employee must report the injury to his or her employer within 30 days of its occurrence (or as soon as possible if there is an emergency). This requirement applies even if the employee does not believe he or she will be eligible for benefits because of a pre-existing condition or other issues that may disqualify him or her from receiving them in the future.
It’s important to document all aspects of your injury as well as any complications that arise later on down the line so that there’s no question about whether or not you were injured on the job.
Get Treatment Immediately
As soon as possible after an injury occurs, seek treatment from a licensed physician who specializes in treating work injuries. If you delay treatment or do not get it at all, there could be problems down the road when it comes time to make a claim for workers’ compensation benefits or file a lawsuit against an employer for negligence or wrongful termination-related issues resulting from your injury.
If you are injured on the job, contact a workers compensation attorney as soon as possible. An experienced workers’ compensation attorney from Rispoli & Borneo P.C. can help you get the benefits you need to recover from your injury and return to work as soon as possible.