Traffic Court: 4 Arguments To Avoid

Traffic Violation Lawyer

Whether you receive a ticket for speeding, unsafe lane changes or failing to obey a traffic signal or sign, deciding to fight the ticket is always an option. Contesting the ticket means appearing in traffic court, where you will plead your case before a judge. However, as a traffic violation lawyer from a firm like May Law, LLP can explain, there are a few common argument strategies that you may want to avoid, especially if you plan to speak on your own behalf.

    1. Emotional Pleas 

Most traffic court judges are experienced, and are not likely to be swayed by any emotional pleas or excuses about why you were speeding or ran a red light. Most of these are not valid arguments and you may want to avoid them, as you may inadvertently admit your guilt by doing so. Emotional pleas might include feeling ill behind the wheel, rushing home after a long day of work or feeling overwhelmed by errands you were trying to complete when you committed the offense.

  1. Your Past Driving Record 

Citing your past driving record is not likely to get a traffic ticket dismissed, even if your last offense was years prior. Judges are not likely to dismiss an offense simply because you have been a good driver in the past, especially if you were traveling well above the speed limit or committed an offense in a school or hospital zone. While some judges may dismiss the ticket if you are a first-time offender, pointing out your driving record is not likely to help.

  1. Ignorance of a Law 

When you stand before a judge in traffic court, telling him or her that you were not aware of speeding laws, were unaware of cell phone usage restrictions in your city or that you failed to see that stop sign is not likely to help your case. The judge may likely tell you that ignorance of a law does not excuse you from violating it, even if it is something as simple as a traffic ordinance.

  1. Vehicle Malfunctions 

While some vehicle malfunctions may have caused accidents in the past, such as blown tires and brake failures, these are unlikely excuses for disobeying speeding laws or making an illegal U-turn. The judge may inform you that as a licensed driver, you are responsible for keeping your car in proper working condition in a way that protects you and other drivers.

Receiving a speeding ticket can be an unpleasant experience, but help is available. Contact an attorney today for further assistance and information.